PolarJournal’s thoughts for 2021
If you look at this year’s reviews that are currently circulating everywhere, you have to look closely to find positive news and experiences. The past twelve months have been dominated by climate change, wars, spiteful politicians, natural disasters and accidents. Hovering over everything was a small virus that had a firm grip on the world and dictated everyday life, bringing the powerful in politics and business to their knees and dominating almost every discussion. Add to that the personal problems and difficulties, and it seems clear that everyone wants to write off 2020 as quickly as possible.
But was 2020 really a pure disaster? Not quite, we at PolarJournal think. Because a few things were really positive and will also shape the new year. There is the successful largest Arctic expedition, MOSAiC, which will expand fundamentally our understanding of the Arctic in the years to come; the globally celebrated Polar Pride Day, which highlighted diversity as a positive thing; the Black Lives Matter movement, which from a horrific event has pushed societies around the world to look more deeply at racism and prejudice; the transition of power in the US, which has shown that democracy and the rule of law are possible in a free society.
The year 2020 will also be the year in which the polar community has become even closer. People who already are connected by their love and fascination for the Arctic and Antarctic moved closer together, wrote and discussed in the forums, shared experiences and stories, offered insights into their thoughts and feelings. People motivated each other, offered help and advice, and thus defied the isolation caused by the virus. People who had never seen each other in person before were messaging and video chatting. New friendships were built, many other commonalities were discovered.
We at PolarJournal hope that this will continue in the new year and that all these people who have become already closer virtually will be able finally to meet again in person and carry on this positive thought in the regions we all love so much.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Bonne nouvelle année!
Felice anno nuovo!
Feliz Nuevo Año!
Godt nytt år!
Godt nytår!
Gleðilegt nýtt ár!
Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
S Novym Godom!
Shchaslyvoho Novoho roku!