Svalbard - Arctic adventures under northern lights and midnight sun | Polarjournal
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Svalbard – Arctic adventures under northern lights and midnight sun

Heiner Kubny 10. September 2021 | Arctic, Culture

Where there are more polar bears than people and the snowy desert never seems to end, where you feel as overwhelmed by the sight of majestic glaciers as you do by the glow of dancing northern lights, that’s Svalbard.

In 200 incredibly close, personal, and hand-picked photographs, the authors take you into the icy island world. Filmmakers Silke Schranz and Christian Wüstenberg and Arctic Nature Guide Christian Bruttel, who has been living on Svalbard for 10 years, give first-hand accounts of adventurous life in the high Arctic, of nights spent in tents at -25 °C, of extraordinary city life in Longyearbyen and of extensive tours in untouched snowy landscapes.

This book is like a small expedition: experience unique encounters with blue whales, reindeer, polar bears and walruses. Feel the endless vastness of the wild Arctic and at the same time fragile nature of Svalbard. The authors do not close their eyes to climate change and its effects, which they clearly see and feel in the High Arctic.

A comprehensive work about Svalbard with lots of knowledge, interesting facts and many personal stories. 192 pages, complete with great pictures to immerse you in the icy world of Svalbard.

The book will be available in early October and can be pre-ordered through the following website:

The authors of the book: Christian Bruttel, Silke Schranz, Christian Wüstenberg (from left to right)


330 NOK (approx. 32.- Euro)

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Price includes shipping within Germany.

For delivery to Austria or Switzerland NOK 70,- (approx. 7.-Euro) will be charged additionally.

Heiner Kubny, PolarJournal

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