Curtain up for “Polar Jobs” on Labor Day
Polar regions are experiencing a hype not seen since the days of early polar exploration. This interest applies particularly to economic development and jobs in both the Arctic and Antarctic. On the one hand, everyone directly or indirectly connected to polar regions needs a workforce. On the other hand, those who live in or near the polar regions are looking for fairly paid and secure jobs. This is why we at Polar Journal AG have created a platform for both sides.
Labor Day (or May Day) is an important non-religious holiday in many countries, celebrating the working population, drawing attention to their rights and at the same time parties, trade unions, social institutions and employees seeking to draw attention to the numerous problems relating to work. Be it better wages or social benefits, working hours and conditions or political decisions affecting a country’s economy and social system, people are demonstrating, parleying, discussing and writing. And it is also an important day for us at Polar Journal AG, as today sees the launch of our “Polar Jobs” platform, a project we have been working on for more than 1.5 years.
The name of the platform already clearly indicates the direction in which the whole project is headed: working in the polar regions. On the one hand, it has become clear that the demand for workers in a wide range of sectors related to the Arctic and Antarctic has risen sharply and that interest in such jobs has also increased. On the other hand, according to our research, there is no real venue where such jobs across all industries can be published. “There are some initiatives from certain industries on social media and the internet that have a somewhat similar approach,” explains Beàta Szablics, the platform manager. “But overall, there is no central hub for employers and employees. We want to close this gap with “Polar Jobs”.”
Open positions are posted on the platform directly from Polar Journal AG’s extensive network. Furthermore, companies, organizations and institutions can also purchase packages to display their vacancies on the website. The packages include additional services designed to improve the visibility of both the job offers and the offering partners. “We believe that it makes sense to be able to present yourself as an employer alongside a job offer and to display all the relevant information in a concise manner,” Beàta Szablics continues. “This allows jobseekers to avoid spending time searching for information online and instead focus directly on the application process if they are interested in the position.” This is also a major difference to other platforms: Polar Jobs does not involve itself in the recruitment process. A click on the “Apply” button takes the person directly to the official application page of the job provider.
In addition to job vacancies, “Polar Jobs” will also feature stories, news and articles on a wide range of topics relating to work, business and social topics. These are shared on its own LinkedIn page, as are special job offers or company profiles that are part of the packages for customers. The “Employment Guides” section will contain important and useful information on living and working in the polar regions. These will also be regularly updated, as developments do not remain static due to new laws, guidelines and adjustments to a constantly evolving market.
Developments in the polar regions market are rapid and there is a risk that social and environmental issues will fall by the wayside as a result. Especially when filling positions in the Arctic, Inuit organizations are calling for inclusion of the people living in the region in all decision-making processes and for cultural and natural aspects to be taken into account and followed. “People and nature must be at the forefront of developments in the Arctic and Antarctic, including ours,” says Beàta Szablics. “Our logo is intended to symbolize this. The depicted Inunnguaq represents a place for all people in the polar regions, offering work and orientation. We particularly want to support all those whose ancestors lived there long before anyone else and whose future also lies there,” she continues. “We will therefore seek cooperation with local and regional representatives and have also developed carefully reviewed ethical guidelines for “Polar Jobs”, which we follow and which we also see as important for cooperation with partners and customers.”
The list of partners and job offers is still short. But Beàta Szablics and her colleagues at Polar Journal AG are convinced that this will change quickly. “We have gained almost 1,000 followers on LinkedIn, our most important social media channel, within a few weeks in a purely organic way,” she explains proudly. “This clearly shows that there is a need and that people trust us. The whole project is based on Polar Journal AG, a respectable company that has an excellent network within the polar community and enjoys an outstanding reputation. It will be no different with “Polar Jobs”.”
Dr. Michael Wenger, Polar Journal AG
Those interested in the services of Polar Jobs can contact us by e-mail (info@) or directly at Beàta Szablics (
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