Venturi-Antarctica - emission-free to Antarctica | Polarjournal
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Venturi-Antarctica – emission-free to Antarctica

Heiner Kubny 7. June 2021 | Science
This Venturi vehicle uses electric and photovoltaic panels to explore Antarctica. Design also played an important role in the latest generation of Venturi Antarctica. (Photo: Venturi)

The Monegasque manufacturer of high-performance electric vehicles “Venturi” presented the next generation of the all-terrain vehicle for Antarctica on June 5, World Environment Day. The world’s first zero-emission polar research vehicle will be stationed at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station in December 2021. The drive with caterpillars is of course a must due to the existing ice and snow cover in Antarctica. A lot of attention was paid to the design. The vehicle appears futuristic at first glance, but has clean lines. The orange color obviously stands out clearly against the scenery.

On June 1, during Prince Albert II’s visit to Venturi, the latest generation Venturi Antarctica was shown for the first time. The official launch took place on June 5. (Photo: Venturi)

After returning from a trip to Antarctica in 2009, Monaco’s Prince Albert remarked to Venturi president Gildo Pastor that the research stations there did not have environmentally friendly and pollution-free vehicles. Therefore, the Prince Albert II Foundation asked Venturi to develop a zero-emission solution to transport passengers and equipment to and from scientific research sites.

Three successive versions of the vehicle were designed. On June 1, 2021, the latest generation was unveiled in Venturi’s workshops. The vehicle will be in operation at the Belgian research station Princess Elisabeth Antarctica from 7 December 2021.

Venturi-Antarctica can carry up to six people, including equipment, on the fold-down bench seats. The vehicle is 3.4 meters long and 2.18 meters high. (Photo: Venturi)

The bodywork and styling of the car were designed by Sacha Lakic, the designer with whom Venturi has worked closely for many years. His vision deftly sidesteps the technical constraints of the R&D department, which mainly have to do with the thermal insulation of the vehicle, the size of the battery and the tubular structure of the chassis.

Sacha Lakic has also succeeded in the challenge of developing a design that is versatile and at the same time ensures the right level of comfort for the vehicle’s occupants. Venturi-Antarctica can carry up to six people on the fold-down bench seats, including equipment and a second battery to increase the initial range of 50 kilometres.

The vehicle can withstand temperatures as low as -70 degrees without affecting the battery’s performance. Venturi has opted for two electric motors to power the exploration vehicle, and to avoid charging problems, there is the option of charging from both a power socket and solar power. The charging time is 2 to 18 hours depending on the context. The weight of the vehicle is 2.5 tons.

The first generation of Venturi Antarctica was not yet fully developed with its futuristic appearance. Above all, the space conditions were rather modest, moreover, the drive was still improved. (Photo: Venturi)

“With the Venturi Antarctica, scientists will have an efficient, easy-to-use vehicle with very good performance. They will be able to carry out their research in optimal conditions without polluting places where the quality of the analyses must be accurate down to the last molecule. We are proud to have developed a technological solution that fulfils the mission entrusted to us by the Prince Albert II Foundation,” said Gildo Pastor, President of Venturi.

Heiner Kubny, PolarJornal

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